We are pleased to announce the 26 ANNUAL YORK COUNTY COOPERATIVE JOB FAIR.

Tips for seeking employment at a Job Fair:
- Wear Appropriate Clothing. Ties are okay, Women can chose slacks. The tone should be business casual.
- Be Prepared! Look at the web site for companies of interest. www.yorkjobfair.org Research companies further on the web.
- Make a list of companies you want to see the day of the event.
- Plan to spend about 10-15 minutes per interested company; budget your time accordingly.
- Come to the event early.
- Bring an appropriate number of resumes. Resumes should be proof read and be up-to-date; no excuses! If you are currently in school or college, see your Career Services office for assistance.
- Be friendly, act interested.
- Bring your calendar or PDA in case the employer representative wants to schedule an interview.
- Don’t be surprised if you need to fill out the company’s employment application. You will need employment dates, supervisor names, contact information and a pen to complete the application.
- Job seekers should offer a handshake when concluding the conversation and thank the employer representative for his/her time.
- Ask for a business card or contact information when wrapping up the conversation. If the employer representative spent time with you, a follow-up thank you note is appropriate. If the employer representative was not able to talk, but you have an interest in the company, send a “nice to meet you” note.
- Eliminate Distractions. Do not bring children, relatives or friends to the job fair. If you do find the need to do so, separate and approach each employer independently. You will have much better results. This is your time to do job development for yourself.
- Practice your interviewing skills. Any skill takes time to develop and job fair candidates are frequently given on-the-spot interviews. If you are currently in school see your Career Services office; other interested individuals can find assistance at the CareerLink office.
Job Fair Time/Location
The York Job Fair will be held on:
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
from 11am to 4pm
at the Keystone Kidspace,
110 Hamilton East Avenue, York